
How to Grow Rock Melon at Home

Learn how to grow rock melon (cantaloupe, honeydew) from seeds in containers or in raised bed in garden at home, as I am growing in Australia. Rock melons are usually round or slightly elongated with firm, netted or buff rind. They have moist, sweet flesh, and a distinct tropical fragrance. The flesh of rock melon will be white, golden, orange or lime green, depending on the variety of rock melon you grow. The green- fleshed are muskmelons, while orange-fleshed are honeydews.

Plants That Bring Money and Good Luck | Plants to Keep in Home for Good Luck

Know the top 10 lucky plants to keep in your house for money, wealth, good luck and prosperity and how to place them in house. These plants also help in purifying the air. Some of these plants are also Feng shui plants for wealth and removing negativity from your space. Also know what plants should be avoided in Feng shui and not be kept in house.

Everybody wants to attract money, wealth, fortune and positive energy into their life. In many cultures around the world, plants are believed to bring wealth, good luck, positive energy and prosperity into the home.

Causes And Prevention of Premature Falling of Fruits

Often fruit trees drop fruit before they get a chance to ripen. I am going to tell you the reasons for premature falling of fruits or fruit drop and what can you do to prevent it. Learn how to prevent flowers and fruits from falling by proper flower drop control and management. Many times it so happens that there are plenty of flowers but no fruits, so what to do if the tree dos not produce fruits.

How to Grow Chia Seeds at Home

Chia seeds are very easy to sprout and grow at home. You can grow chia seeds plant from seeds at home quite easily and quickly, as I have grown in Australia. You can grow chia seeds without soil, in water or on a paper towel. Growing chia plant at home indoors or outdoors, is very attractive as you can watch how they sprout and grow into plants and harvest their leaves and seeds. Chia plants can grow up to 3 feet tall. They produce purple flowers just in 6-8 months which develop chia seeds.

How to Grow Blueberries From Seeds | Germinate Blueberry Seeds

The article gives details of growing blueberries from seeds from fruit. You can germinate blueberry seeds by stratifying them in a paper towel in fridge. It may be mentioned that the fruit from seed grown blueberry plant may be different from the parent bush and it will take more than 2 years before the plant will produce fruit. However, if you propagate blueberries from cuttings, the new plant will be the clone of the parent and produce exactly same quality of fruit. 

How to Grow Cape Gooseberries at Home

The article gives details on how to grow cape gooseberries, also known as Physalis peruviana, at home from seeds. The other names of cape gooseberries are golden berries, husk tomatoes, Peruvian groundcherries, Inca berries, or pichuberries. Cape gooseberries are native to South America. They produce small, round tropical fruits encased in unique papery husk. The fruit is sweet and tart like that of a tomatillo. The taste is similar to a cherry tomato mixed with a strawberry.

How to Grow Kiwi from Seeds | Growing Kiwi from Store Bought Kiwi Fruit

This article is a step-by-step guide on how to grow kiwi fruit from seeds at home. It is also possible to propagate the kiwi plant fat home from a store-bought fruit, although it has a lower success rate compared to starting with seeds purchased from a nursery. With the right growing conditions, you will be able to grow your own kiwifruit vine at home. Kiwifruit, also known as Actinidia deliciosa, is a delicious and nutrient-packed fruit.

Growing Pineapple in a Pots : Pineapple Plant Care Indoors and Outdoors

This article focuses on how to grow a pineapple plant in pots at home. With the right care, you can successfully grow your own pineapple plant from the top of a store-bought fruit or a nursery-grown starter, that will grow fruit in 2-3 years after planting. My pineapple plant started from a top produced flower in 2 years in Sydney, Australia. Here is a detailed guide on growing pineapples in pots indoors or outdoors.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Plant in Home or Bedroom | Aloe Vera Plant Benefits

This gives details on the health benefits of keeping an aloe vera plant in your home or bedroom. Aloe vera is a beneficial addition to your home environment because it offers many health benefits. Known for its soothing gel, this succulent plant offers a variety of advantages, ranging from health benefits to enhancing your living space.

Uses of Aloe Vera in Gardening | Benefits of Aloe Vera in Garden

Know how to use aloe vera in your garden to take full advantage of its magical benefits on plants. You can use aloe vera in your garden to make a natural fertilizer at home, as pest repellent and rooting hormone for plant propagation.

Aloe vera is a powerhouse of nutrients. It is rich in antioxidants, nutrients and enzymes, that offer numerous benefits to not only the human body but also to your plants and garden. Aloe vera can benefit your plants and your garden in many ways. Aloe vera can enhance plant health and contribute to a flourishing garden.

How to Grow Chestnuts from Seeds | Chestnut Seeds Germination

Can you grow a chestnut tree from a nut or seed from store-bought chestnut? The following paragraphs reveal how to grow chestnuts from seeds at home. Learn growing chestnut from seed, right from selecting seeds to their stratification and germination, as I have grown in Australia. It may be pointed out that the fruit from seed grown chestnut tree will not true to type, although you can graft the tree or you can try to grow a chestnut tree from a branch cutting.

How To Ripen Avocados to Perfection

The Article shares ways to ripen avocado quickly at home, and how to know if an avocado is ripe, and whether you can ripen an avocado in the microwave.

Avocados do not ripen on the tree, they can remain on the tree for 12 months without ripening as some studies show. Avocados only mature, ripen and develop buttery texture after harvesting. They however, require careful timing to achieve ideal ripeness.

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