
How To Grow Fruit Plants at Home : Best Fruits to Grow In Pots

Know what are the best and easy fruit plants to grow in pots. Growing fruit and nut trees in your home garden ensures you nutrient rich, fresh, organic juicy fruits in the season.

You can grow a variety of fruits like tomatoes, avocados, lemons, limes, bananas, papayas, pineapples, guavas, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, kiwifruit, etc. at home. 

If you have enough space in your garden, then why not plant grapefruit, lychees, mangoes, mulberries, etc.

This page is your guide to all the fruit growing information on the site. Tips for growing fruit trees in pots (how to grow fruit trees in pots) and garden beds starting from seeds, seedlings and cuttings are explained in individual fruit articles.
banana tree

Mango tree
Mango tree
Most fruit trees need lot of garden space because they send their roots to a larger space. Such trees, are for example, mango, lychee, mulberry, guava, etc. But there are some trees that need small space like blueberry, strawberry, lime, lemon, banana, etc. Many fruits can be grown in pots.

In modern days, dwarf varieties of fruit trees have been developed, so they can be grown in pots with a good produce of fruits. The dwarf fruit trees are suitable for smaller backyards and also to limit the height of the trees in order to make it easier when picking, pruning, netting etc.

Yet another varieties of fruit trees are grafted trees which can produce more than one variety on the same tree, such as lemon, lime, mandarin and orang on the same tree.

The fruit trees generally grow very tall with large canopies like mango and lychee, while lemon, lime, banana, blueberry, strawberry are small trees or shrubs which can be grown in large containers.

Many times, the trees drop fruit prematurely as a result of several factors including improper watering, lack of fertilizer, cold winds, insects and diseases, etc.


Most fruit trees grow in sun, about 6-8 hours of sun light daily; the sun gives the needed energy to build fruits.


Most fruit plants need a high free-draining rich soil to produce fruits. Adding compost (composting at home) is good to the plants. Some fruits grow in soil having neutral soil, while some need low pH and others love high pH soil. However, most fruit trees can survive in a variety of soils.

You can adjust the soil pH by adding lime to increase alkalinity or sulphur to raise the acidity. How to get rid of ants on fruit trees

List of Best Fruit Trees For Your Garden

(Best Fruit Trees to grow in Pots).
  1. Apple Grow apple tree from seeds how to plant and grow apple tree from seed videohow to grow crabapple tree from stem cuttings)
  2. Apricots (grow apricots from seeds)
  3. Avocado (Growing avocado from seed)
  4. Bael (grow bael plant from seeds and cuttings)
  5. Banana (how to grow banana tree at home, keep bananas fresh longer)
  6. Blueberries (how to grow blueberries at home)
  7. Cantaloupe (how to grow cantaloupe at home)
  8. Cape gooseberries (how to grow cape gooseberries at home)
  9. Cherry (how to grow cherries from seeds)
  10. Chestnuts (How to peel chestnuts video
  11. Chiku, Sapodilla, Sapota (grow chiku tree from seeds)
  12. Citrus (citrus curling leaves treatment)
  13. Coconut (how to open coconut)
  14. Custard Apple (growing custard apple from seed, how to care for custard apple tree in containers YouTube Video)
  15. Date palm tree (how to grow dates from seedsHow to grow dates from seed video)
  16. Dragon Fruit (how to grow dragon fruit at home, grow dragon fruit from seeds, grow dragon fruit from cutting)
  17. Fig tree (Grow fig from cuttings, How to grow fig tree from cutting video)
  18. Goji berries (How to grow goji berries from seeds)
  19. Grapes (How to grow grapes at home from cuttingGrow grapes from seeds video)
  20. Guavas (growing guava from seeds)
  21. Grapefruit
  22. Jackfruit
  23. Kiwi (how to grow kiwi from seeds, How to grow kiwi from seeds from fruit video
  24. Lemon (how to store lemons for long time, how to grow lemon tree from seed)
  25. Lime (bronze orange bugs on citrus trees)
  26. Longan (longan tree, how to grow longan tree from cuttings)
  27. Lychees (how to grow litchi plant at home, Growing lychee tree from seed video)
  28. Macadamia (how to grow macadamia tree from cuttings)
  29. Mandarin
  30. Mango (mango tree information, growing mango tree from seed, how to ripen a mango, How to prune a mango tree, Polyembryonic Mango seeds that grow fruits quickly)
  31. Mulberries (Growing mulberries in container video)
  32. Nectarine (How to grow nectarine tree in containers, grow nectarines from seedsgrow nectarine tree from cuttingsGrowing nectarine from seed in container video)
  33. Orange (Grow orange tree from seed, how to grow orange tree from seed video)
  34. Papaya (growing papayas, air layering papayahow to make papaya tree small video)
  35. Peach (Growing stone fruit from seeds video, how to grow peach tree from seed)
  36. Passion Fruit (How to Grow passionfruit at home)
  37. Pear (How to grow pear tree from seed)
  38. Persimmon (Growing persimmons from seeds, grow persimmons in containerspropagate persimmon from seeds Youtube video, propagating persimmon from cuttings Youtube video)
  39. Pineapple (grow pineapple top in water video)
  40. Plum (Grow plums from seedsGrow plum tree from seed video, growing plum tree from cuttings)
  41. Pomegranate (growing pomegranate from cuttings, how to grow pomegranate tree from seeds, growing pomegranate tree in containers)
  42. Raspberries (How to grow raspberries from seeds, How to Grow raspberries from store bought fruit YouTube Video)
  43. Rock melon (how to grow rock melons from seeds)
  44. Sapodilla, Sapota, Chiku (how to grow sapodilla tree from seeds)
  45. Strawberries (how to grow straberries at home)
  46. Tomatoes (growing tomatoes)
  47. Quince
  48. Watermelons (how to grow watermelon from seed at home)

Nuts To Grow At Home

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