Benefits of Indoor Plants | A Guide to Indoor Plants | Air purifying indoor plants Part 1 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 2 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 3 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 4
29. Dwarf Bannana (Musa cavendishii)
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Dwarf Banana Plant |
Dwarf banana is a large leaf plant so it is a good houseplant for cleaning air.
Its huge leaves add lots of moisture in the environment, which is good in a heated room.
Place the banana plant in a warm humid and bright area of the house.
Keep the soil moist during growth and spray a lot of water on leaves. (growing bananas at home)
30. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera Zygocactus or Buckleyi) & Easter Cactus (Schlumbergera Gaertneri)
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Christmas Cactus |
Easter Cactus |
Unlike most plants, Christmas Cactus removes carbon dioxide at night and releases oxygen during the day. So it is a perfect plant for bedroom.
This plant is also known as Christmas Cactus, Thanksgiving Cactus, Crab Cactus and Holiday Cactus.
Schlumbergeras flower in white, red, pink, yellow, orange or purple colours.
Schlumbergera plants can be damaged by exposure to prolonged sunlight.
Members of the Buckleyi Group are more tolerant of high light levels.
Too much light causes stems to take on a reddish colouration.
The plant needs free-draining, humus-rich soil and slightly acidic soil. Keep the soil just moist.
When not flowering both the Easter Cactus plant and the Christmas Cactus look similar.
31. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema crispum) or Silver Queen (Aglaonema commutatum)
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Chinese Evergreen Plant |
Aglaonema plants purify indoor air by removing formaldahyde, benzene or other toxins.
Place the plant in shade in a bright room.
Chinese Evergreen plant has been grown as luck-bringing ornamental plants in Asia for centuries.
They are popular houseplants and like low-light conditions.
These plant need well-drained soil and high humidity by regularly misting with water.
All parts and the sap of this plant are poisonous and can cause irritation.
32. Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum)
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Anthurium |
The Anthurium is also commonly called as Flamingo Lily or Laceleaf.
The dark large leaves of Flamingo Lily are effective at removing airborne formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene and toluene in home and office, specially around photo-copiers, printers or adhesives. How to propagate anthurium
Place the plant in bright indirect light, but not in direct sunlight.
Anthurium is some what difficult to grow indoors. This houseplant prefers high-humidity environments, so keep soil moist at all times, but not flooded.
Anthurium andraeanum is poisonous to both humans and animals.
33. Crotons (Codiaeum variegatum pictum)
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Croton |
Crotons are very showy plants with colourful foliage.
Place the plant in sunny position, if it is sun loving variety, its foliage shows the best colour in bright spots.
Light will often enhance the beautiful colours of the foliage.
Foliage colour in seen in variations of gold, pink, green, yellow, red, bronze, orange and purple tones, sometimes all seen in one single plant! These different tones of colours glow when backlit from a sunny window.
The plant needs free-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry between waterings. Lack of water will shed leaves and the excessive water will kill the plant. So keep the plant just moist, not water logged. (crotons in pots)
Crotons are poisonous, if eaten.
34. Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
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Poinsettia |
The Poinsettia has air cleaning ability, its leaves, stems, roots remove formaldehyde from indoor air.
Place the poinsettia plant in bright light or full sun to half shade.
Plant in rich and well-drained soil. The plant is somewhat difficult to care.Do not allow any part of the plant to touch cold window pans.Look at the soil daily and water only when it is dry.
The plant flowers for only a limited short period of time.
35. Indoor Azalea (Rhodedendron simsii "Compacta")
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Azalea |
The Rhodedendron simsii is also known as Indian Azalea or Sims’s Azalea.
Place the Azalea plant in bright light when in bloom, but away from direct sunlight. When not flowering, move the plant to medium light.
Keep the Indoor Azalea in cool, very moist and very humid conditions. how to propagate azalea from cuttings.
Plant in soil that keep the roots moist. The plant will lose its leaves if it has dried out. The plant flowers in winter to early spring.
36. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)
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Aloe Vera |
Aloe Vera removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air.
Position the plant is an area in the room which receives direct sun light for some time or place in indirect bright light. If the leaves of your Aloe Vera are lying flat, it means that your plant probably is receiving insufficient light. When the leaves are brown, remove your plant from direct sunshine.
Plant in a sandy soil. As it is a succulent plant, let the soil dry, avoid frequent watering. If the leaves of your plant are thin and curled, it means your plant need watering. how to care for Aloe Vera plant, how to grow aloe Vera from cuttings,
how to grow Aloe Vera from cuttings video
Aloe Vera has several health benefits.
Position: Bright Indirect Light
Place the Cyclamen plant near a window as it needs plenty of natural light.
When leaves are present, the plant is growing. When the plant is dormant in summer, keep it away from bright light.
Water whenever the soil feels dry. Do not water on the crown of the plant.
Do not put the Cyclamen plant near a heater or near the fire.
Cyclamen is a popular gift plant because of its beautiful flowers in a wide range of colours. Pull off the spent flower stems to promote further blooms.
Bromeliads improve indoor air quality by releasing oxygen and taking carbondioxide during night, so this plant is good for your bedroom.
Bromeliads are extremely adaptable to light requirement. Depending on the variety, bromeliads will grow well in low-light to bright artificial light. About 15 hours of fluorescent light a day will maintain leaf color.
Bromeliads display vibrant displays from the flowers or from floral leaves. Guzmanias, Aechmea fasciata, Vrieseas and Neoregelias type of bromeliads are very colourful.
Plant Bromeliads in a free draining potting mix potting mix.
Position: Bright Light
Beaucarnea recurvat is also known as Beaucarnea recurvat or Nolina recurvata or N. tuberculata.
Ponytail plant is a indoor air purifier plant.
Beaucarnea recurvat Pony tail plant is a succulent rather than a true palm tree.
Place the plant is bright light and a warm position.
Use a fast-draining rich, organic, potting soil. It is an extremely slow-growing plant.
Water well during summer, may be weekly. Do not over-water, otherwise the bulbous stems may rot.
During the winter season, cut back water to monthly.
Position: Bright Light
Jade plant (Jade plant propagation video, How to grow Jade Plant from stem cutting, Grow Jade Plant from cutting, How to Grow jade plant from a leaf video) is also known as Friendship tree, Lucky plant, or Money tree (Pachira aquatica is also known as Money tree). Note that there is a different type of money plant which is a climber.
Place the Jade plant in bright light, however, it tolerates less light, but too little light will retard the plant's growth.
The plant produces small pink or white flowers in clusters.
The plant needs minimal care to thrive as an indoor plant.
Feng-shui practitioners believe that the plant is lucky to increase the wealth. Place it in a south-east corner window for its benefits.
Benefits of Indoor Plants | A Guide to Indoor Plants | Air purifying indoor plants Part 1 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 2 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 3 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 4
Best oxygen producing plants for cleaning indoor air
Aloe Vera has several health benefits.
37. Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum)
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Cyclamen |
Place the Cyclamen plant near a window as it needs plenty of natural light.
When leaves are present, the plant is growing. When the plant is dormant in summer, keep it away from bright light.
Water whenever the soil feels dry. Do not water on the crown of the plant.
Do not put the Cyclamen plant near a heater or near the fire.
Cyclamen is a popular gift plant because of its beautiful flowers in a wide range of colours. Pull off the spent flower stems to promote further blooms.
38. Epiphytic Bromeliads
Position: Low Light to Bright Light![]() Bromeliad Guzmanias | ![]() Bromeliad Vrieseas | ![]() Bromeliad Neoregelias |
Bromeliads are extremely adaptable to light requirement. Depending on the variety, bromeliads will grow well in low-light to bright artificial light. About 15 hours of fluorescent light a day will maintain leaf color.
Bromeliads display vibrant displays from the flowers or from floral leaves. Guzmanias, Aechmea fasciata, Vrieseas and Neoregelias type of bromeliads are very colourful.
Plant Bromeliads in a free draining potting mix potting mix.
39. Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvat)
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Ponytail Palm |
Beaucarnea recurvat is also known as Beaucarnea recurvat or Nolina recurvata or N. tuberculata.
Ponytail plant is a indoor air purifier plant.
Beaucarnea recurvat Pony tail plant is a succulent rather than a true palm tree.
Place the plant is bright light and a warm position.
Use a fast-draining rich, organic, potting soil. It is an extremely slow-growing plant.
Water well during summer, may be weekly. Do not over-water, otherwise the bulbous stems may rot.
During the winter season, cut back water to monthly.
40. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata or Crassula Argentea)
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Jade Plant |
Jade plant (Jade plant propagation video, How to grow Jade Plant from stem cutting, Grow Jade Plant from cutting, How to Grow jade plant from a leaf video) is also known as Friendship tree, Lucky plant, or Money tree (Pachira aquatica is also known as Money tree). Note that there is a different type of money plant which is a climber.
Place the Jade plant in bright light, however, it tolerates less light, but too little light will retard the plant's growth.
The plant produces small pink or white flowers in clusters.
The plant needs minimal care to thrive as an indoor plant.
Feng-shui practitioners believe that the plant is lucky to increase the wealth. Place it in a south-east corner window for its benefits.
Benefits of Indoor Plants | A Guide to Indoor Plants | Air purifying indoor plants Part 1 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 2 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 3 | Air purifying indoor plants Part 4
Video on Easy House Plants For Beginners
Video on Easiest House plants for beginners
Best oxygen producing plants for cleaning indoor air