
Propagate Anthurium in Water | Grow Anthurium in Water Without Soil

Know how to propagate anthurium in water and grow anthurium in water like a Hydroponic plant. Anthurium plant propagation (anthurium propagation methods) in water is easy and you can grow it in water only. How long it can survive in water without soil depends on its care. You can propagate anthurium in water and then plant in soil or continue growing it in water in a glass vase without soil forever. You can actually see the plant's roots growing through the glass.

Continue reading below to get detailed procedure of rooting anthurium cuttings in water.

growing anthurium in water
Anthurium in Water

Anthurium plant growing in the water with colorful pebbles in vases or cups will not only look beautiful on dining tables, center tables of living rooms or work desks but also purify the air. You have to care for your anthurium plant in water as described below.

Anthurium Propagation in Water

Anthurium can be grown from a cutting in water. Propagating anthurium cuttings in water without soil is almost fool-proof, but sometimes the cutting may rot in the process, if you do not keep cleanliness. It takes only 4-8 weeks to propagate anthurium in water.

The following steps of anthurium propagation in water are suitable for anthurium crystallinum, anthurium clarinervium, anthurium queremalense and all anthurium varieties.

The steps for rooting anthurium cuttings in water is similar to those for rooting them in soil, instead of putting the cuttings in soil, put them in a glass filled with water. Note that it is not possible to propagate anthurium leaf or flower. 

The step by step procedure for propagating anthurium in water is given below:

Things You Need
Disinfected sharp knife or scissors
A transparent Vase or glass jar
Some pebbles
Clean soft water
It is important to disinfect the knife or scissors in rubbing alcohol or in dilute bleach solution before taking leaf cuttings, otherwise the cuttings may rot.

Taking Anthurium Cuttings

  1. Choose a healthy, mature plant and cut a stem in to 3-4 inch long cuttings with at least two or three nodes, ensure to make a clean cut just below a node.
  2. Remove all the leaves from the lower part of the cutting, cut the top leaves into half.

Putting The Cutting In Water

Place the cutting straight up in the vase and fill it with clean water covering about the bottom 1 inch of the cutting. If your tap water is hard, then use bottled water or distilled water.

Rooting Hormone

Before putting the cuttings in water vase, you may apply rooting hormone on the cutting end to encourage root development. The cuttings will strike without rooting hormone, but will take longer to root. I use Aloe Vera gel from a fresh aloe Vera leaf which works as good as a commercial chemical rooting hormone. This step is optional. If you do not apply rooting hormone gel, then the cuttings will still root but take longer. You can also mix some aloe Vera gel in the water.

Place the vase at a bright and warm place away from direct sun light. Slowly move the cutting to add oxygen in water in 3-4 days.

Every week, clean the vase and change the water. The cutting may rot in dirty old water.

The cutting will grow roots in 4 to 10 weeks, depending on the temperature and light level.

You can plant the rooted anthurium cuttings in free-draining soil or leave it in water to grow as described below.

Growing Anthurium in Water

Is it possible to grow anthuriums in water only without soil? Can anthurium survive in water only? Yes, it is easy to root anthurium cutting in water. The anthurium will survive and thrive entirely in water, provided you take care of your anthurium regularly as given below:

How To Move Anthurium from Soil to Water

To anthurium in water, you need a healthy anthurium plant growing in soil.
Transferring anthurium from soil to water is very easy and you can keep it in water for ever.

Following are the steps for moving your anthurium from soil to water:
  1. Carefully take out the plant from the pot. Remove the soil slowly without damaging the roots.
  2. Wash the roots with water.
  3. Take a vase or any other container and put the anthurium in it and put some pebbles around them to hold the plant straight up. Pour water in the vase such that the roots are submerged in water.

Care For Anthurium Growing In Water

Light Requirement For the anthurium

The light requirement for the anthurium growing in water or soil is the same. It grows well in bright indirect light. Do not keep it in a dark location for long. 

Keep the water-grown anthurium at a place in temperature between 18-30°C (65-86°F).
Protect your anthurium from cold A/C drafts from A/C vents.

Water Quality Requirement

  1. The life of your anthurium depends on the quality of water in which it is growing and it will decide how long the plant will survive in water without soil.
  2. Use clean soft water at room temperature. If your tap water is hard, then boil the water and let it sit overnight or use bottled water or rain water.
  3. You can put one or two pieces of activated charcoal in the water that will keep the water clean. You can also add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the water to keep it fresh and oxygenated.
  4. Wash the pot to remove fungi or bacteria and change the water every week or earlier.
  5. Change the water every week or whenever it becomes cloudy or smelly. While changing water, remove the rotten roots, if any.

Can You Grow Anthurium in Fish Tank or Aquarium?

Yes, you can put your anthurium in an aquarium, but you cannot submerge the plant completely in water as there is no aquatic anthurium species in the world. The anthurium will grow in an aquarium only if you put the roots in the water and keep the stem and leaves out of water.

You should not keep any fish or other marine life in the same container, as the anthurium may be toxic to them.

Anthurium in Water vs. Soil

Anthurium can grow both in soil and water. However, keep in mind that Anthuriums are not naturally adapted to water culture, so they may not thrive as well as they do in soil. The anthurium in water does not get the needed nutrients, unless you add them in water at time to time. You may need to transplant your Anthurium back to soil if you notice signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves, wilting flowers, or stunted growth.

But by following the above mentioned tips, you can enjoy your Anthurium in water for a long time.

Video on How To Grow Anthurium plants

how to grow anthurium in water youtube video
propagate anthurium from cuttings video